Chipping Away.
Despite life's pleasant intrusions, the recording continues.
The other day, after we had recorded some parts to about 5 different songs, Justin looked down and noticed that a button was pressed in instead of out. Just one button out of the hundreds of possible buttons to push. A little, black fella. It didn't light up when pressed in, only made a subtle difference. But there it was, pushed in for no particular reason. Little bastard trashed about four hours of work. Oh well.
Overall, though, this is going well. The pace is slow but it suits us well for the work that we're doing. I think we may have mentioned it before - we like this record a lot.
Remember when we told you before that our friend John Miller was working on a documentary about this thing? Well, you can click [here] to find out more. It's as close as you're going to see to a MySpace page for us.

Thad notes the progress. Too bad for you that you can't see the illustrations for things like "Guitar" and "Overdubs". They give it that extra bit of class.

Geeky Tech Note #1: The bass guitar amp is bi-amped. The high end is driven through the 4x10 Hartke (aka - the talk show bassist's choice) cabinet and miked up with an EV RE20, fed through the Burr Brown channel of a Sytek MXP 4Aii. The low end is send to the Sunn 2X15 (EV drivers) and miked with a Josephson e22s, which is then amped by a FMR RNP. There is a TINY bit of compression on the low end to even out the into-the-red sustained bass parts. The mikes are in opposite phase.

Geeky Tech Note #2: The guitar amp is also bi-amped. The high end is driven through the 2x12 Marshall cabinet and miked up with a beyer M160, fed through the other channel of the FMR RNP. The low end is send to the Hartke (see above) 1X15 and miked with an Audio Technica 4033, which is also amped by a BB channel of the Sytek. These mikes are in opposite phase as well. The main signal from the head is sent out to a full range Marshall 4x12 cabinet that was not close-miked.
Both amps are picked up by a matched pair of Earthworks TC30Ks (visible in the top photo), which are then amped by the two non-BB channels of the Sytek. These are in phase with one another.
It's hard not to type something self-deprecating after going through all that.
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