First off, if you are the kind soul who is keeping their virus infected PC on 24 hours a day, spoofing us 10-12 e-mails an hour - GET WITH THE 21ST CENTURY AND CLEAN THAT INFESTED HARD DRIVE. And to the kids in suburban Taipei who are writing these virues - a subject heading that says "Important Please Check OK" is not fooling anyone any more.
Thad is busy writing lenghty responses to e-mail scam artists while Justin drives back and forth to the Garden State. Our good friends at Hydra Head records have put out a compilation that includes a song of ours, and we encourage everyone to buy or steal it. Start by clicking [ here ]. There is some amazing music in this thing, and we won't be releasing that song again. We are, however, including two versions of it here for you to preview:
[ Song 9 ] - Same recording, but only the room microphones.
[ Song 9 ] - Same as above, but backwards, compressed to 1/2 the time and pitch shifted down an octave.
We're certain there's two or three of you dying to tell us that this second version is the "best thing you guys have done yet". We've already thought of that clever joke. Try something else.
Honeytown, IN Meth Lab Update
For those who have been reading our really great [ advice ], you just may have been smitten with the story of Honeytown, IN, the town with 1 meth lab bust for evey 4 people. Well, that ratio is even lower now. Check out the latest from our intrepid correspondant -
By the way, add one more meth bust to the list. It turns out that the last bust was 2 miles from where I lived... and it was someone I know... and worked with. It just so happens that the guy living at A FISH HATCHERY was cooking in the shed at work! I'm glad I don't live there any more.
[ Studio Construction - 05.16.04 ]