Between 2003 and 2006, we took most of our time in being a band and plowed it into work in a studio in Justin's backyard. We began with a concrete building that was about 20 ft by 20 ft by 13 ft. After making a bunch of mistakes, killing weekend after weekend and logging at least 15 different days with more than one trip to the local hardware superstore, we finished. We say this with no small measure of pride.
Although it took a lot more time and money than we expected, it all seems to be worth it. This section of the site details some of the construction (note how often we keep saying things like "we're almost done" and "only a few more months") and some more recent recording. In a way, this space has become a very important part of our band; it's where we write, practice and record. Part of is also where Justin stores things like Christmas tree stands and Exersaucers, but that's so un-metal that it'll just be our little secret.
Anyway, have a look around, tell us what you think, etc.

08.19.03: Justin stands in the raw space. Concrete on 5 sides and shop lights. Photo taken from the doorway.
[ 10.29.13]
Vocals - preamp selection.
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