When we first got the building, there were 2 14 gaage wires coming in from rusty conduit in the ground, barely powering the half dozen or so light bulbs that kept the gloomy building from total darkness. To determine what we'd need for full on power, we knew we couldn't cut corners with this important aspect.
We brought in the Master Electrician.
After consulting with us about what our needs might be, the Master Electrician got to work. By the time that the picture to the right was taken, he had installed a new panel in the building. The power is delivered from the central panel in the main building through newly dug and installed 1 inch conduit run underground (see the Acoustics page for a diagram). The main breaker for the panel is rated at 60 amps and the Master Electrician installed 220V service to take care of what we might need for the HVAC system. The guy knows his stuff.
We actually like EMT in a functional building, so the outlets and the lights are serviced through 1/2" metal EMT fed from this panel. The lights are low wattage halogens suspended from two sets of track lights.
The HVAC system (actually two systems) is run off two separate 220 breakers. The AC is a wall mounted compressor unit, and the heat is two electrical sub-systems: a wall mounted fan and three baseboards. This is enough to heat it up quickly on a cold day, although we're frankly a bit worried about the cost of electic heating. Since we ran out of space on the main breaker panel, the AC unit and the wall mounted heater share a 220 breaker. We plan on installing a switch between them that will allow someone to choose one or the other, since there's no reason that someone would be running both at the same time.

Justin and the Master Electrician only moments after installing the new electrical service. Nice pants, Justin. |
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