PREPRODUCTION - Untitled* LP (2013)
[ 10.29.13 ] Vocals - Preamp selection.
[ 10.27.13 ] Guitar - Preamp selection.
[ 10.14.13 ] Guitar - Mic selection.
[ 10.08.13 ] Bass - Preamp selection.
[ 10.04.13 ] Bass - Mic selection.
[ 09.30.13 ] Drum Machine - Preamp selection.
[ 09.27.13 ] Intro - How we're going to do.
No, it's not called "Untitled", we just haven't settled on a name for it yet.
PREPRODUCTION - Backsliders and Apostates Will Burn (2010)
[ 11.30.10 ] Vocals, pt. I - Mic selection.
[ 04.19.10 ] Guitar, pt. III - Mic placement.
[ 02.17.10 ] Guitar, pt. II - Preamp selection.
[ 09.12.09 ] Guitar, pt. I - Mic selection.
[ 09.06.09 ] Bass, pt. III - Mic placement.
[ 09.03.09 ] Bass, pt. II - Mic preamp selection.
[ 06.07.09 ] Bass, pt. I - Mic selection.
[ 05.07.09 ] Drum Machine, pt. V - Mic preamp.
[ 05.06.09 ] Drum Machine, pt. IV - Mic placement.
[ 04.21.09 ] Drum Machine, pt. III - Mic selection and Ambient delay.
[ 04.11.09 ] Drum Machine, pt. II - Stereo configuration.
[ 04.07.09 ] EP Pre-production - Plan & Drum Machine, pt. I - Preamp.
[ 04.03.09 ] EP Pre-production - Tools.
[ 03.20.09 ] EP Pre-production - Overview.
[ 04.18.06 ] Putting the whole thing together.
[ 01.18.06 ] Done. DONE!
[ 07.19.05 ] Building bass traps.
[ 11.15.04 ] Winter approaches.
[ 09.24.04 ] Almost there...
[ 05.16.04 ] The Return of the King.
[ 05.02.04 ] Friends who lay wood floors are true friends.
[ 04.21.04 ] Spring Arrives to Find Us Painting, Painting.
[ 04.13.04 ] Deadlines are a good thing.
[ 03.23.04 ] Dogs are not allowed in the studio.
[ 03.05.04 ] A visit from the Master Electrician.
[ 02.18.04 ] Cold weather, and there's never really enough space.
[ 02.02.04 ] If it's drywall, it's gotta be taped at some point.
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