Laying the first course.
Friends who lay wood floors are true friends.
After loading a ton of wood into the place, we spent last weekend laying the wood floor.
Don't buy the stupid Home Depot flooring book. As illustrated below, it's a pretty bad guide. If you notice, the tar paper that is laid between the plywood and the actual hardwood floor just magically appears in the book, with no explanation. For the record, we used the 30 weight tar paper (found in the roofing section) and secured it to the plywood using a staple gun. No problems there.

You can read all you want, but you won't find anything between steps 3 and 4 that tells you about the most important part - the tar paper.
Also, John Hastie, one of the several fantastic friends who helped on Saturday, had done this before. This made life much easier, as he had good advice about what do to and what to avoid. His floor was put in with the manual floor nailer, but we rented the compressed air one with the compressor. For something as big as we did (just about 400 square feet), he thinks it's worth the extra money. Also, wear gloves (so you don't get splinters), knee pads (although you should swap them from knee to knee a lot, as they bunch up in the back) and ear plugs (a good idea in an empty rectange of a room).
John was the foreman on Saturday, providing guidance to us and our wonderful helpers - Jumpin' Julie, Thorough Thomas and the Magnificent Mae Sing. Who would have thought that degenerates like us could attract such kind company? Justin rounded out nearly the rest of it on Sunday, with help at the end from Jill. If you want to put a hardwood floor down in your own studio, feel free to e-mail us for any advice.
Sonic accompaniment:
Listening to the Yanks lose a bunch of games to the Red Sox, which was lame.

The Astounding Thomas Chin

The Indominatable Mae Sing

The Herculean Julie Simonson, hard at work with the aforementioned Astounding Thomas Chin

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