Cold weather, and there's never really enough space.
We're on the final stages of the drywall, with only some sanding and touch up to do. In the meantime, we're contemplating what we're going to do for the shelving unit on the west side of the building.
Justin's been reading Project Studios: A More Professional Approach by Phillip Newell. He'd highly recommend it, and it's made him realize that there's always going to be a line between what you can do and what you'd like to do. We're going to be most recording and monitoring in the same room, and although that's not ideal, that's what we've got to deal with. If there's any advice that we'd have for others considering the same type of project, it's a good idea to understand why your end result will be less than perfect, even if you can't do anything about it.
We've got a few things coming up that we'll let you know about -
- Mike's given us a design schedule for the HVAC. We'll work on installing that and telling you all about it.
- The Master Electrician is back from his sojourn away. We'll be putting in conduit soon, and Newell's book has given some good direction about some things we hadn't considered.
- We'll be including equipment reviews for amateur buiders soon. You can go elsewhere to find out whether or not the Behringer mixer you saw on ebay is a good deal (it's not), but we'll tell you about what drills are good, what things you should really have, and what else you can live without (no matter how cool it looks at Home Depot).
Musical accompaniment:
Two Nuns and a Pack Mule - Rapeman
Sister - Sonic Youth
M-Series - Maurizio
Morocco : Crossroads of Time

Can you believe those idiots from Hydra Head moved to LA? Look at what they're missing!
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