Building bass traps.
Hey. In case we haven't complained about it before, the stupid doors that we did took way too long. WAAAAAAAAAAY too long. We've included photos of the before and after so that you can see the finished product. Mostly finished.
The equipment is out in the studio now, stored on the nearly done shelves as we do the bass traps. Click on the Acoustics link for an update of the bass traps that we're building.
As mentioned on the main page, things will speed up now that Justin's no longer working at the nutty job he had.
Musical accompaniment:
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Szletett
Fenriz Presents... The Best Of Old School Black Metal
Sonic Youth - Confusion is Sex/Kill Yr. Idols

The doors for the shelves in November. They had just been delivered.

The doors in March. 3/4" plywood, sandwiching a 2 x 4 frame and stuffed in the middle with Mineral Wool.

A profile of one of the doors. They've got a gap between them to accomodate opening and closing with their width of just about 5".

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