Winter approaches.
Justin's decided to take a week away from work to see how much can get finished. Stop by if you want to help.
The main part of the room is just about finished. At this point, we're filling in the shelving area. As mentioned in the Acoustics section, these were built as a way to create a false wall and improve the overall acoustics of the room. In addition, it's creating a stupid amount of storage space in the room. One set of the shelves sits about 9 feet above the floor. That's where we'll be keeping the crappy acoustic guitars that seem to collect.
Most of the work coming up involves two things we're not very good at - woodworking and finishing surfaces. Drywall you can kinda fake, installing puffy pink fiberglass is not difficult and even your snotty teenage cousin can figure out how to paint a wall. Woodwork, on the other hand, takes a finesse and foresight that we don't possess. Our philosophy on doing things like building shelves and heavy cabinet doors involves 2x4's, drywall screws and a healthy dose of "I hope nobody looks at this thing too close when it's done". So don't.
Musical accompaniment:
Isis - Panopticon
ODB - Nigga Please
Bastro - Bastro Diablo Guapo

Putting down stain. Justin uses the 'boots do not touch the floor' technique because he thinks he saw Bob Vila do it once.

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