Stanley Instant Change
Utility Knife/Box Cutter
How Important? Essential
Notes: They make lots of these kinds of things, and this one, at about $10, is probably five to six times more expensive than the cheapest of the utility knives. But even though I have two other ones, this one gets all the play, my friend. Press that little yellow button when the blade is all the way out and the blade cozily falls into your palm. Snap the back and there's a reservoir of three or four fresh blades. And that little slit on the bottom right before the handle is a fancy twine cutter (rarely used, but pretty neat, right?). You will use this knife a lot, especially when it comes to cutting drywall. So handy you'll want to carry it with you everywhere, from the breakfast table to your end of the day shower. But don't try to fly with it, because that's a no-no.
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