Reddy Heater R60
60,000 BTU Torpedo forced air heater
How Important? Nearly Essential
Notes: I began using this thing after the insulation was already installed, and so it doesn't take much to get the space nice and toasty warm. In approx. 4100 cubic feet, it will raise the temperature about 2 degrees a minute, which means a freezing cold 30 degree shed is a balmy 65 in just over 20 minutes. Nice. This is an especially nice treat when you are taping drywall, because you can't have the drywall compound get too cold. It's easy to tell yourself "well, I can stand this freezing room just fine, but if the drywall compound gets too cold, the whole thing's a bust."
One important thing - If you think that you will need one for more than a day, buy one. Don't rent it; buy it. Even if you never need it again after you use it, you will be able to sell it for a pretty good price used, and you'll still come out ahead of Home Depots weekly rental rate.
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