
These are full songs. Sorry if they take a while to download, but we tend to write long songs.
The best way to buy any of this stuff is from [ Controlled Burn Records ], a label that we started with our friends. Or get in touch with us through the contact page.

Song 30 - (3:49) - The hit single. Justin's got some brilliant idea for a video that he's going to do all by himself; we'll see if he gets around to it.

Song 27 - (4:03) - This is the pound-iest of the 4 songs on this EP. Details about our obsession over the thing's format [ here ].
[ mp3 ]

SONG 20 (THE RIVER) 7" (2008)
Song 1 - (2:25) -Fancier version of Song 1 below. Rerecorded in 2008, 2 song 7-inch. Overpriced because we tried to rush everything.
[ mp3 ]

Song 17B - (7:59) - From our first full length. By this point, everyone seems to have gotten it into their heads that these songs are untitled. They're not untitled. They have the names they have for a reason. Can Don Caballero say that? Go give them a hard time.
[ mp3 ]

Song 11 - (8:07) - This is the last song from our first EP.
[ mp3 ]

PRACTICE 7-27-02 (2002)
Song 12 - (6:35) - This is from a 4 song CD-R that we sold on a week long tour. The packaging came sealed shut with a straight razor blade to open it. Many people couldn't figure out the trick and cut the hell out of the CD-R. Sorry about that.
This is an early version of the first song on Black Madonna. It was recorded live to 2 track in Justin's basement. Poorly.
[ mp3 ]

NOVEMBER 2000 Demo (2000)
Song 1- (2:58) - This is from the first demo that we shipped out to labels. The packaging was a folded up sheet of thick paper and included a set of fireworks, a match and a friction strip to strike the match on.
This song was written in 1993.
[ mp3 ]

DTV (2012)
Song 34 (Game of Death) - (6:31) - For the time being, this is our only recorded cover - John Barry's bombastic "Game of Death". The grand prize winner of [ this contest ] asked for this song, and then we gave it to Andrew Bonzanelli for his [ crazy book ]. After a while, we'll post the mp3.

METALSUCKS "NYC Sucks (vol. 2)" (2011)
Song 6 - (7:41) - We recorded this with the idea that it'd be on Black Madonna but it didn't really seem to fit. (This was weird, because the first riff in Song 18 picks up where this leave off, intentionally.) Anyway, a few years later [ MetalSucks ] asked if we had anything lying around for a comp. "Sure", we said.
[ mp3 ]

Song 10 (Hydra Head Song) - (1:10) - Short barn-burner intended to be a theme song for the label. Three versions of this 7", ours was the most limited. Thad had like 5 of them sitting around which is sure to drive the Pelican vinyl collectors nuts.
[ mp3 ]

Song 9 - (5:49) - Part of a 2 CD thing HHR put out. This was originally all they intended to do with us. Little did they know.
[ mp3 ]